
Monday, December 3, 2018

Maori question

W.A.L.T say questions in Maori so i made this slide to show you some of the questions.It was really challenging getting all the animated kids on the post.Hope you enjoy😎😎

Thursday, November 29, 2018


W.A.L.T measure how big objects are in the classroom.
it was really hard measuring the tables and the door.

Friday, November 16, 2018

halloween jayden

W.A.L.T: Make a google drawing about should we keep Halloween our ban Halloween.

I Think it was very fun making this because there was lost of cool pictures and Halloween fonts.I think it was trying to get my DLO onto my blog.

Monday, November 5, 2018

Te kauru camp 2018 - (writing 2nd draft)


Me my Dad Nate and Dan were the only four from our group to go on as Kordal got motion sick and Ethan was not keen.Here we go it slowly started spinning then it had a little more power then suddenly who-ff,swish screams from everyone my screams were probably the loudest.Me and Nate were begging for one more time YES Dad we go again who-ff,swish air was filling up my lungs as I open my mouth. THAT WAS THE BEST!!
the invader was my personal favorite😆This was us on the stratosphere. It wasn't that scary.😑
The roller coaster upside down felt like falling out off a plane😱

Friday, September 21, 2018

My STEAM reflection

- Coding (Snap4Arduino) and Arduino Boards
In Term 3, the students have been continuing their STEAM learning using the STEAM Electronics kits. They have been learning how to block code using the program Snap4Arduino. The purpose of this learning has been for the students to control one or more LED lights on an electronic arduino board using code. Each week the coding expectation increased and the students showed perseverance in achieving successful outcomes!
Learning Goal 1. To make an LED blink off/on by controlling voltage from 0V to 5V by programming the Arduino.
Learning Goal 2.  To change the speed of blinking to such a high rate that the LED appears to be dimmer.
Learning Goal 3. To make the LED fade on and off by varying the voltage

2018 - Term 3 STEAM - ‘Coding and Arduino Boards’ Reflective Questions

1.was I learning and why?
In whaea debs steam hub we were learning to make 1 or more leds flash.we also learnt how to put the wires in the right places and how to code.

2.What did I do well and how do I know?
i think i was really good at doing the codes to make the led blink.It was very easy to put the code in.

3.What challenged me ……?
my challenge was trying to make 3 LED shine.It was very hard doing the wiring especially when the intructions are muddle up.

4.What would I do differently next time to make my learning more successful ….. ?
I think i would make sure all the wires were in the right that the led would be a little bit brighter and we would be more successful.

5.What have I enjoyed about the learning?
 I enjoyed making the led shine as well as as having my partner there to help me.It was even better when we got two working.

Thursday, September 13, 2018

my quality blog comment tips

These are my tips on how to make a quality blog comment. we learnt them from watching this video from the manaiakalani crew.

Thursday, September 6, 2018

Thursday, August 16, 2018

My science roadshow writing

At the science roadshow we learnt about what happens to your food after you digest it.It was pretty interesting but gross at the same time.It goes through way more organs than i expected and i had no idea there was a little intestine and big intestine.I think it was pretty weird looking at it.I think the most interesting thing was how the number 8 ball could slide easily through the hoop and then once you cover it in liquid nitrogen it cant go through at all.I want to learn more about how the ball did not go through the hoop after she put the liquid nitrogen in.Did you know the coldest temperature in NZ was -25.6 Degrees and the hottest was 42 c.

Tuesday, August 7, 2018

My term 3 maths

WALT solve these equations in our maths hub.this strategy called rounding and compensating.

Monday, July 23, 2018

Our class assembly photo

After we finished our assembly we took a class photo with a pukana.

Tuesday, July 3, 2018

Our term 2 Assembly {Tarakura of the rangitaiki plains}

It was show time we walked in the room with a boom!
the crowd was quiet.We got in to our places then Lochie shouted as loud as he could making the little ones frightend.Boom,slap,Bam the haka was on Is that a baby crying we must of looked like real warriors.Our thighs and chest were as red as blood.Its all over we start our mean fortnite dances then YAY! That was not that bad after all.😝

Thursday, June 28, 2018

jaydens sir peter blake week.

I show leadership by Being humble and treating people how they like to be treated
I also show my values where ever we go
And Take care of our community.

Tuesday, June 26, 2018

maths buddy

This is my explanation of maths buddy I hope you enjoy.

Friday, June 8, 2018

About me

My name is Jayden Rudolph and i go to paparore school
I'm 10 years of age and love rugby,basketball and swimming. i'm going to be a big brother soon but right now i’m the only child.My rugby team is waipapakauri and my Bball team is paparore 13s.
My hobbies are fishing and motocross.

I’m really good at rugby,swimming and Basketball.
I enjoy doing sports i love anything to do with sports my favourite thing to do at home is play Fortnite. My challenges are getting 5 tries in a rugby game. My goal this year is to win the rugby cup.

My personal achievements this year is
To look after my little brother. The person that
Inspires me is my dad because he plays rugby and is a really good artist.We have a teacher that comes in and talks about our blog i´ve posted a few things this year. The person that 
I connected with was a person that loved sports just like me.

Thursday, April 26, 2018

Nau mai, haere mai ki tēnei taonga

Welcome to your very own blog for learning. We look forward to
seeing you share your learning with your teachers, your school,
your family and friends anywhere.